Littering Picture from GoogleⓇ Littering is a big problem in today's world. Here are a few ways to solve this growing problem: Put garbage items in the trash Keep a litter bag in your car to hold the trash you have, so you can throw it in the bin later Report littering The effect on the environment Many stray animal such as: dogs, cats, and birds tend to eat our litter when we throw it on the street, the park etc. This leads to death and other effects on their bodies. TAKEN FROM SCIENCING.COM: PLASTIC Discarding plastic products, including grocery sacks, rapidly fills up landfills and often clog drains. When plastic litter drifts out to sea, animals like turtles or dolphins may ingest the plastic. The plastic creates health problems for the animals including depleting their nutrients and blocking their stomachs and intestines. Animals cannot break down plastic in their digestive system and will usually die from the obstruction. Pieces of plast...