

Littering Picture from GoogleⓇ Littering is a big problem in today's world. Here are a few ways to solve this growing problem: Put garbage items in the trash Keep a litter bag in your car to hold the trash you have, so you can throw it in the bin later Report littering The effect on the environment Many stray animal such as: dogs, cats, and birds tend to eat our litter when we throw it on the street, the park etc. This leads to death and other effects on their bodies. TAKEN FROM SCIENCING.COM: PLASTIC Discarding plastic products, including grocery sacks, rapidly fills up landfills and often clog drains. When plastic litter drifts out to sea, animals like turtles or dolphins may ingest the plastic. The plastic creates health problems for the animals including depleting their nutrients and blocking their stomachs and intestines. Animals cannot break down plastic in their digestive system and will usually die from the obstruction. Pieces of plast...

Save trees!

Save trees! Paper is a precious resource, oxygen too. They comes from trees, which are scarce now. Here are a few ways to save them and how this affects us. How to save them: Have spare time on your hands? Plant a tree! Instead of watching T.V, plant a tree! Reuse There are always some papers which are not used properly, use what is left of them before throwing them away. Reduce Try to use paper when most necessary.  Write e-mails Instead of wasting paper when writing letters, write an e-mail! How does this affect us ? Human beings and animals all depend on oxygen for living. Trees produce oxygen and breathe in carbon dioxide, which we breathe out. If we don't have any trees, there would be no life at all! 

Say NO to plastic

Say NO to plastic Plastic is a growing problem in our society. Here are a few ways to solve this problem, and how it affects the world. We can recycle plastic products such as bottles, bags etc. We can use alternatives such as paper, metal etc. Carry your OWN water from home Reuse                  The effect on animals Most of our plastic waste gets released into the ocean. Marine life sometimes eats the plastic or gets stuck in it and eventually, gets injured or worse in some cases. Not only in the ocean, but even when we litter on the streets! Stray animals also do the same The effect on humans Different plastics spread throughout the ocean. In fact, not only do the toxins in plastic effect the ocean, but acting like sponges, they soak up other toxins from outside sources before entering the ocean. As these chemicals are ingested by animals in the ocean, this is not good for hu...

Noise pollution

Noise pollution Most of us are very used to the sounds we hear in everyday life. Loud music, the television, people talking on their phone, the traffic and even pets barking in the middle of the night. However, when the sound of the television keeps you from sleeping all night or the traffic starts to give you a headache, it stops becoming just noise and start turning into noise pollution. Causes of Noise Pollution 1. Social Events:  Noise is at its peak in most of the social events. Whether it is marriage, parties, pub, disc or place of worship, people normally flout rules set by the local administration and create nuisance in the area. People play songs on full volume and dance till midnight which makes the condition of people living nearby pretty worse. In markets, you can see people selling clothes via making loud noise to attract the attention of people. 2. Transportation:  Large number of vehicles on roads, aeroplanes flying over houses, underground tra...

Ocean pollution

Ocean Pollution What causes it? Oil tankers spill oil Boats sink People dump sewage and garbage from boats on beaches Litter washes down to the  rivers and storm drains and ends up in the ocean How does it affect us? Plastic debris is eaten by ocean animals- turtles, whales, seals etc. Old nets can tangle and drown sea animals and people Sewage and spilled oil make ocean animals sick Medical supplies carry sharp points that can stab and dangerous chemicals that can poison marine life Medical supplies also wash up  on beaches and endanger humans. Fish and Shellfish can become toxic from eating pollutants What is being done? Oil Pollution Act (1990) with stricter rules for oil tankers Water Quality Act  (1987) was amended to stop polluted storm water and sewage. Beach Act (2000) the EPA helped state test and monitor coastal water pollution to protect swimmers. We all might not be part of these acts but, we can do our part by: Re...

5 ways to save the PLANET

5 ways to save the planet. The planet is dyeing as you read this, these are 5 ways you can save the world. 1. Use PAPER. Say NO to PLASTIC  Anytime you go grocery shopping, bring your own PAPER or cloth bag. Don't use plastic bottles. Metal would be a better substitute. Tip:  If you have any PLASTIC items such as, bottles recycle them. 2. Ride a bike Riding a bike will make you physically fit and will also, you would save a lot of money on petrol/ diesel. 3. Conserve WATER. 71% of the planet is water. Unfortunately, not much is useable. Here are a few ways to conserve WATER: Check your home for any leaks. Take short showers Don't leave the faucet on while brushing your teeth Don't run the dishwasher until you have a full load 4.  Produce less waste.  Everything you throw in the garbage, tie up and take out to be collected is going to end up in a landfill. Plus, all that trash - plastic, paper, metal, and whatnot...

The effect of mobile phones on the planet

The effect of mobile phones on the planet. Many components of mobile phones are considered toxic like arsenic, lithium, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and zinc. These poisonous substances may leach from decomposing waste in landfills, seep into groundwater and contaminate the soil. Metals build up in the soil, can then enter the food chain and in sufficient concentrations may cause health problems. But not just the dumping of mobile phones is dangerous for the environment. The production of new mobile phones contributes to climate change by using up energy and virgin materials which release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. It is estimated that up to 90% of these greenhouse gases can be saved by recycling materials from mobile phones.