Ocean pollution
Ocean Pollution
What causes it?
- Oil tankers spill oil
- Boats sink
- People dump sewage and garbage from boats on beaches
- Litter washes down to the rivers and storm drains and ends up in the ocean
- Plastic debris is eaten by ocean animals- turtles, whales, seals etc.
- Old nets can tangle and drown sea animals and people
- Sewage and spilled oil make ocean animals sick
- Medical supplies carry sharp points that can stab and dangerous chemicals that can poison marine life
- Medical supplies also wash up on beaches and endanger humans.
- Fish and Shellfish can become toxic from eating pollutants
What is being done?
- Oil Pollution Act (1990) with stricter rules for oil tankers
- Water Quality Act (1987) was amended to stop polluted storm water and sewage.
- Beach Act (2000) the EPA helped state test and monitor coastal water pollution to protect swimmers.
We all might not be part of these acts but, we can do our part by:
- Recycling
- Reduce your carbon footprint (Read more about ways to reduce our carbon footprint on our site!)
- Pick up trash
- Make compost
- Old food can go into a bucket in your kitchen
- Daily (once or twice a week) you can empty this in your backyard
(Learn more in the video below)
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